The one podcast you need as a C-level Marketer, Director or Entrepreneur looking to rock your Business Growth. The Marketing Innovation Show is the official Podcast for our Global Digital Marketing Agency "Marketiu". With each episode, we bring you top performers in Marketing, Serial Entrepreneurs and renowned Digital Growth hackers. discussing top-edge Marketing Trends & Tactics, to help you skyrocket your success online. Topics will include Social Media Marketing, Strategy & Ads, Marketing Strategy, Performance Marketing & Google Ads Trends, Growth Hacking, Ecommerce, B2B Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation as well as Email Marketing & Automation. Tune in, and if you'd like us to cover specific subjects, let us know - we'll do it!
![End of Year Special - Personal Branding & Using Law of Attraction Tactics to Build a Better New Year [with Andrew Kap]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8311263/personal-branding-using-law-of-attraction-tactics-build-better-year-andrew-kap-marketing-podcast-show-digital-marketing-agency-london-marketiu-digital-marketing-strategy-branding1_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Our last episode for 2020 brings Andrew Kap, #1 Bestselling author of “The last Law of Attraction book you’ll ever need to read” and today, as we’re getting closer to a new year, and therefore a big opportunity to make it amazing for ourselves, we will have a special episode - looking into both personal branding marketing and promoting information products, but also into how we can shift our perspective and build an exciting future by looking into mindfulness practices and how to use Gratitude to anchor your mindset for automatic success, using Andrew’s Time Lapse Method.
Connect with Andrew:
YouTube: Andrew on YouTube
Amazon: ”The last Law of Attraction book you’ll ever need to read”
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Marketiu: https://marketiu.com / https://marketiu.ro
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Episode Transcript:
Andrei Tiu
Hello, everybody, this is Andrei and you are on The Marketing Innovation Podcast Show. Our episode for today is going to be a pretty special one since we are getting close to a new year 2021. And I think everybody is apart from the professional matters looking at ways of improving their lives and making it a far better year that may be 2020 was for some of us, so, or for some of the people that are tuning into us today. So our special guest for today is Andrew cap, who is the number one bestselling author and speaker, his most popular book being the last law of attraction book you'll ever need to read. And today we are getting, as we're getting closer to a year and therefore a big opportunity for all of us to make it an amazing one for ourselves. We have a more special episode, as I mentioned, looking into both personal branding, marketing and how to build your personal profile more as a, you know, as a professional. And we'll discuss with Andrew here, tips, tricks and strategies to enhance your personal brand. But also I'm looking at ways of promoting information products. And we'll also look into ways you can yourself use the law of attraction to your benefit and maybe get insights from this when you are looking at shifting your perspective towards building your life in 2021 and beyond. So Andrew, really excited to have you on the show. Thank you for being here. Really exciting times ahead.
Andrew Kap
Thanks for having me, Andrei. I'm really excited. And I'm sure people listening like wow, that book titles a mouthful. And I'm sure we'll get into that as well. But thanks for having me. And let's see where this conversation goes. Amazing. Amazing.
Andrei Tiu
So I think as always a good starting point for the conversation would be a quick intro to you. Tell us who Andrew is? What are you doing professionally how you got into the law of attraction and publishing the book? What's going on in your life?
Andrew Kap
Yeah, wow, let's see if I can make sure the answer doesn't take up the whole interview. Right? Well. So I, I'm an entrepreneur for 20 years. And I think when you're an entrepreneur, you kind of have to kill your own dinner, so to speak, you're gonna find yourself looking towards certain modalities, positive thinking things of that nature, I found out about the law of attraction probably 16 or 17 years ago at this point. And for me, it kind of like it resonated, but I was very push and pull about the whole thing. I was inconsistent. When I used it, it would work. But then when I didn't, it wasn't like I was, I used to think the law of attraction wasn't consistent. It was me who wasn't consistent. And I'll give the short version I went through about 12 years ago, where I lost my first business and girlfriend all within like the same week. And not fun, obviously. And at that point, I'm like, Listen, something's got to change here, this law of attraction thing kind of works, I'm going to be really stubborn and indignant about the whole thing. And just go all in and just do five or 10 minutes every single day. And some people here in this like, will get what I'm saying here. And some be like this is not true. But like the results were miraculous. Within two weeks, I felt better, which is saying a lot with a broken heart. Within three months, I'm in a brand new healthy relationship and completely over my x. Within four months, entrepreneurs like this part, I'm making more money than at any point in my life before that, and within six months, like everything's different, in the best shape of my life and waking up happy and fulfilled. And it wasn't even until 2019 that I decided to even write a book about this just because I was at this point where I'd been using those lessons like, if you work it regardless of whether you believe in it or not. I'm like, Listen, I want to do something new in my business where I'm enthusiastic and excited to interact with customers. When those emails come in, I'll be answering them with enthusiasm, I won't be bored. And I'm like, What can I do with this? Well, law of attraction is just as huge of a thing in my life. Let me follow this thread and see if I can make an impact in something that actually, you know, speaks to me and resonates with me. So yeah, I kind of like to go about my experience as an entrepreneur and marketing and said, like, Okay, let me hopefully put out a good product here. And let me find a way to get out to people and hopefully serve them. And that, by the way, governs everything. For me every strategy in terms of like how do I title something? How do I put a subject heading? How do I put a YouTube title for a video? It's only an angle of like reaching the right people who will be served by the content? Because why would I be very, you know, strategic about something that's going to go to everyone when not everyone is going to resonate and be served by it, you know, to say nothing, the fact that you want to hopefully have integrity in your business. They're not going to spend money on you anyway, so why even bother? Mm-hmm.
Andrei Tiu
Okay, so what were the businesses that you mentioned you started off then you just form and build.
Andrew Kap
That first one was an art production studio, I was actually trying to be a cartoonist. But it turns out, the cartooning part didn't work out. But all the stuff I did a market myself was like having more ways to do it. But um, I mean, the real business like I've been a copywriter, which really serves me in terms of my communication style. I've been a marketing and business consultant. And I mean, I've done other books here and there, you won't find them on Amazon or anything because I took them down. One of them I actually repurposed as something to help people with this book right here. So I've been all over the place in my businesses, but mostly in terms of marketing and copywriting.
Andrei Tiu
Super cool. Okay, so we have that pro copywriter point of view, then when we are looking at the personal branding strategies and things that we can bring forward, in order to help the guy singing today to maybe reshape their presence online or think about some quick actionable ways in which they can better their profiles or their company's profiles. Oh, sounds good. Cool. So what are you up to today? Are you only an author? Do you still have the business? What's your life like? Today?
Andrew Kap
Um, I have actually one client, right, I basically pushed all the clients off, I have one right now who, um, I just want to help him if I can, I do very little copywriting work for him. Just because for me, it really is all about, and even my business, that's all about the book. And it's all about the YouTube channel that supports the book, just because it's, it's fun, and it's fulfilling. And I think a lot of entrepreneurs resonate with that idea of like, Who doesn't want to do what they love and make money doing it. And if you can serve people on top of that, that's like the cherry on the sundae. So yet, for me, it's like all about the book in the YouTube channel, and nothing else really.
Andrei Tiu
Super. Okay, so let's talk a bit about you as the personal brand, and about the professional entrepreneur. Where do you start off? or How did you start to look at yourself when you are becoming the business re? So transitioning from you, as Andrew to you, as the entrepreneur and copywriter? And then later on you as the author?
Andrew Kap
Yeah, well, for me, it's, they're all one and the same. And I mean, obviously, like a huge part, just on the author part is you have to give yourself permission. Because a lot of people might be thinking like, well, who am I to write a book? Or who am I to do X, Y, and Z? Well, it's like, Listen, you know, if you have, hopefully, some value to communicate, put it down, and the market will decide for you. Like, if the market is giving you five-star reviews, then who are you to tell them that they're wrong, and that you're not an author, you know, or anything like that. I say, you know, everyone should be giving themselves certain permission to be whatever they want to be. And if they're wrong, the market will tell them, but until the market tells them, there's no reason why they should doubt themselves. And that's the mindset that I take. And I don't even know if that's answering your question, but I think in and as I move forward and do anything, it's just about making that decision of, well, what are the skills needed for this? What are the results that will validate this? Let me go from there. Like, for me, the result that validates a book is that you completed it, and hopefully, you know, it has some kind of semblance to it. I mean, there's so here's the thing. And now we're going off all over the place. I didn't say I'm going to be an author and just try to follow all the rules of authors. I didn't go through a publisher, I didn't go through an agent, I wrote my own book, and I just published it on Amazon. And part of it is because I've been writing for years already, I've been writing copy. And that's no small thing in terms of writing a book because I remember like, even as a kid, but more even as an adult when you get those, those solicitations in the mail. And it's like these really long-winded things about like, here's this health supplement, or here's this magic thing that's going to help you read people's minds. And here's how you can tell your future whatever. I remember reading those things in those things were like mini books in and of themselves, because they had to make sense because they had to keep the reader engaged, I think you could learn a lot more and be a lot more as a copywriter throwing those skills into a book than anything else. I mean, I'm not using the book to sell someone on a product. But the principles are the same, the principle is, I have to have, from page one to the last page, it has to be an experience but journey for them. That's basically following them through on certain points for whatever I want to do. Now I'm teaching law of attraction. So strategically, I first have to build the foundation, make sure they're really on board with it, and then give them methods that are user friendly. Whereas someone that's like, there is a book on math? Well, you essentially want to find, you know, communicate the value of math how it fits in with real life. Maybe you have some really cool formula that you can use to wipe out debt and increase profits at the same time. Like something where I don't know if that's possible. What I'm saying is you want to basically give your value proposition and everything you do, including throughout a book or anything else. So I apologize for the long-winded answer that might have answered other questions, not your legit one, but that's what came to my mind as you asked it.
Andrei Tiu
No worries, that's all he was a very good answer. And this gets me thinking now, since we have people from, you know, very different industries here, we have also solo entrepreneurs, but also Marketing Leaders and, you know, top performance in top performers in international companies. So, you know, everybody is probably looking at getting different things out of their personal branding, or the branding of their products. But what I think we can try to do is, can we try to work out a way of thinking or sort of like a little process that people can go through, when they are looking at maybe what would be the best way for them to communicate to their audience based on your experience? So for example, right now, how are you looking at the online spectator and channels and we can choose which one is best for you? How did you get to communicate mostly on YouTube? How are you communicating on other platforms? Tell us a bit about your, your own marketing strategy.
Andrew Kap
Yeah, so just a huge disclaimer, for me, I don't even know if this is the most strategic way to do it. But a lot of this comes down to bandwidth. Like I, I'm a huge proponent, unless you're hiring someone who's doing the heavy lifting for you. I'm a huge proponent of being a master on one or maybe two platforms versus all them because you'll spread yourself out too thin. And for me, it becomes a question of, I think a lot of people they view themselves as, as boring, or one dimensional. And oftentimes, it's only because they're not actually tapping into who they really are. I think this sounds cliche, but there's a real power to tapping into who you are your personality, for example, I'm using YouTube because I think organically that will bring a lot more people to the book, because it'll, it'll get video watchers and video watchers that don't read the book, they might want to listen to the audiobook. And those don't listen to the audiobook. Well, the channel in and of itself can be monetized. So no matter what, that's a good little, that's a good piece for me. But the main thing about it is like I have a really, and you don't hear it in this because I'm just trying to get value, but I have a really silly weird sense of humour. So in my YouTube videos, I put that sense of humour on display, some people are gonna resonate with it, some people aren't. But what I'm not going to do is make up a different version of a sense of humour. That doesn't even represent me because I'm not going to do that. Well, no matter what. Let me tap into what is it about me? That's funny, what is it about me that's deep? Am I emotionally intelligent? Or am I more like a stiff upper lip, like whoever I am, let me push through that specifically, because I'm a huge again, apologies for going all over the place, I was a huge wrestling fan as a kid. And even later, as an adult, I worked for WWF, before they became WWE. And that was at the time of like stone cold in the rock when they were really making their name. And what they would say that that point is, listen, I'm not some gimmick, I'm not some pretend thing. I am who I am in that ring. And on that microphone, only I turn the volume way up. And I think a really good thing, even if you're selling toilets, is whatever personnel you want to put, that it's gonna be your personality, and doesn't have to be the volume turned up. But it has to be the volume turned forward to like lead with actually who you are. Because when you're in step with that, all of a sudden, you've started answering other questions with a lot of stuff autocorrected? Because like, you might say, what does my audience need to hear from me? In order to know that my product or my service has value? Okay, well, I want to figure that out, after I figure out how I'm communicating already, because I might come up with some, let's say, have a really loud personality, if they need to hear something a little bit more like, you know, under you know, understated, well, then maybe I'm not the person that I'm going to have on video, I'm going to hire someone to do that for me, or whether you have to make another decision. So first, you really want to understand who you are as a human being, and what personality traits you want to kind of amplify. And then you want to make a decision, oh, what do people need to hear from my company, not from me, from my company, and then you can decide whether they need to hear that from you or from somebody else representing your company.
Andrei Tiu
Gotcha. Okay, that's a very nice split there. Because I think we always have to remember, you know, that, you know, being the best CEO doesn't necessarily mean you need also to be the best CMO or, you know, the voice of your company. So it's really important. We know a lot of people that they, you know, in the front of their business, and they are driving it like maybe some of the people that our listeners here might be accustomed to are maybe Gary Gary Vee, since he's like a marketing guy. He's very loud. And he's running his companies, but they're also like the people that are running the companies or they're running the marketing departments, but they might not necessarily be the ones on the screen, but they are coordinating all the activities that happen through so very well inside there. So how are you using, in your case, YouTube, to do To get the most out of it, do you use any tools that you find particularly useful? Do you have any strategies to make sure you optimize the content as well as possible?
Andrew Kap
Mm-hmm. So again, this is where I break so many rules. And by the way, people listening for like, how's this guy even successful, he's like not doing all these classic things. Like, I use vid IQ, but not really a lot. I so for me, it's like, rather than being an SEO expert, I just like, when I type in a Youtube description, I'm just using words like law of attraction manifesting, and they're only if they fit in with the sentence and the content and the theme of the video that in and of itself, I am a proponent, again, don't quote me on this and don't think it's the best strategy. But I think platforms like Amazon, and YouTube and Google and Facebook and Instagram, they have algorithms set in place that will do the heavy lifting for you. If you work in cooperation with that, if you're always trying to game and hack the system, you may be successful, but their algorithms are always changing. So it's a lot for me to try to keep up with the algorithm. What if I am steading really on point and really focused in my message and who I am and what it actually is, and let their evolving algorithm do the heavy lifting for me. So for me, a more intelligent YouTuber would look at their videos and say which are more popular. And let me do more videos about that. And maybe I'll do that one day. But the restless, impatient, frustrated version of me is like, we’ll know what content about the law of attraction that I am comfortable speaking about, do I feel like doing today, because for all I know, maybe I'll come up with an even more viral video, or more viable version of content that I would not have come up with, if I was already looking at my metrics. So don't quote me, I mean, look at your metrics, be intelligent, but understand that me, I'm a real breaker. And for me, I'm more about firing bullets in all different directions. And eventually, maybe a week from now, or maybe a year from now, I'll look at where the bullets penetrated most. But right now, I'm even still just, you know, finding myself and in my message, and communicating different ways I give answers on podcasts, that it's like the third time I've given it, it's more refined than the first time I gave it, not because I'm being more strategic, but because I heard in my head, and I automatically figured out a better way of saying it. Obviously not more concisely based on this interview, that that's just it's better and will resonate with more people and better. So I'm, I'm just an iterating machine. But I'm also not too worried. As long as I stay on point with who I am and what my product or services, and I cared about giving value, a lot of stuff takes care of itself for me.
Andrei Tiu
Hmm, super. And now that you mentioned, actually, I just realized, basically, we can say you are a content creator, and then just an entrepreneur because of all the content that you're creating. Pretty much. So. So looking at this, from this perspective, basically, you have everything that you do on the written content side of things. So you know, the book being the primary focus object, and then you have YouTube where you are creating video content and you are amplifying that. But the thing is podcasts, where do they fit in your marketing strategy? or How are you looking at your presence in the podcast space in order to maybe grow your reach as a professional, I'm asking this so that we can maybe inspire some of the people that are tuned in to think about maybe them becoming podcast guests or having a podcast in order to amplify their content marketing effectiveness?
Andrew Kap
Yeah, well, I mean, I think podcasts are a really important thing. And it doesn't matter where it's a small podcast, or big or somewhere in between, because by the way, you might do a podcast tomorrow. And the person's got like, you know, five listeners, but a year from now, they'll have 500,000, but you'll be one of their first episodes. So all those new people coming are gonna go to the beginning, and they'll hear your message. So I think there's a lot of power and leverage and value to podcasts that you may appreciate or realize in the moment, or you may enjoy afterwards. But for me, I think podcasts are important for me specifically because it helps get the message like your podcast right now. This isn't a typical podcast for me, like a typical podcast for me is more of like a, you know, mindset or even a law of attraction theme Podcast, where I'm specifically talking about the book, and I'm specifically giving tips about the book for that audience. But I think this is an awesome podcast, and I want to give value and that attitude of wanting to give value, not only bleeds over in this message, but it bleeds over in those things. I'm actually earnest. It isn't like some act like I want to give value. That's how I live my life. And I believe things come back to me that way. Now, maybe one person in our interview might buy a book or maybe I am completely underestimating the receptivity of your audience to the law of attraction, maybe 200 will buy it for me it's not it's all about putting myself out there and refining my message. And you Andrei might ask me something and I'll give an answer. And it's going to be absolute gold on those laws of attraction podcasts later on. I just haven't realized that yet. But that's my way of saying like Go on podcasts like, not only are they good for the sense that you will have awesome guests like Andre, sharing you with the world. But you basically are having this opportunity to continually refine your message and maybe even discover something about yourself that you didn't realize you might be in a conversation with someone and maybe it'll be like a Cohen podcast, and someone will ask you to do something with your product or service. And it'd be like this brand new insight that you never would have even thought of before that will make you a lot of money. People don't I mean, all the Gary Vee people know because Gary Vee used to talk about all the time, but Instagram wasn't about photos, it was like a million different things, or maybe 10 different things. And they finally like to realize that people are only interested in the photos. So they really push that button. But they wouldn't have known unless they went out there and went on their proverbial podcasts of pushing all those different things and seeing what happens. So yeah, I've probably appeared on 40 podcasts since the summer, which I don't know if people think it's a lot or a little, it's a lot for me, because I'm doing a million things. But um, those bring readers and viewers to me every single day.
Andrei Tiu
Amazing. And thank you as well for the kind words, I really appreciate it. And it's a pleasure having you as a guest also, because it is the same as I, as I mentioned in the beginning, I feel that now we can go a bit forward from just talking marketing. And actually, I'm really excited to get into the law of attraction subject because, well, you discovered it a bit before me. But also, this was a big life-changer for me about 15. Now, kind of 12 years ago, when I discovered it. So that's why I'm excited to have the chance to discuss this with you and hopefully, get more people on the show inspired either to look further into it, get your book and read it, or the people that already know it, get more practical with it. So
Andrew Kap
If I may, Andre, just a really quick before we get into that to talk about the elephant in the room, because I think there are certain people listening that are way on board with it and other people that aren't, and I want this to be a conversation that's worthwhile for everybody. So just to give the people that are not into law of attraction, a quick, maybe paradigm shift here, I just want to give a quick example of how I relate the law of attraction practically, of lifting weights to get muscles. And I know that's an oversimplified thing. But everyone can relate. You lift weights, you get muscles, right? But it begs a very important question. What's the explanation behind those muscles, I'll give you two, we'll see which one's more accurate. explanation. Number one is when you lift weights, and you go to sleep at night, the muscle fairy comes out of nowhere and gives you muscles or explanation to when you're lifting weights, you're putting so much stress on your body that there's actually their muscles are tearing in little different areas from that stress. And then your body responds by healing by filling in those gaps with more muscle fiber. Now, most people are probably like, well, that's a butchered explanation, Andrew, but that second one's probably the answer. But I would say it doesn't matter. What matters is you lift weights, you get muscles, you put an X, you get Y, and you do the law of attraction techniques that I described in my book. And whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, or whether it's your subconscious mind, or whether it's something else, you will get these miraculous results that will just come and they will blow your socks off. And maybe even then you won't believe in the law of attraction, you won't believe what I'm saying is true. I don't care, all I care is that you get a result. So I would suggest that a lot that you don't like the gratitude methods that I describe, they will lead to results that you can't explain. But it doesn't matter whether it's the muscle theory, or it's your body healing itself, what matters is you get a result. So I would ask people that don't take the law of attraction to keep that perspective in mind as we go over any other content in this interview?
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. Super, thank you for explaining that. I think you're right. I think that, you know, there are people that might not necessarily vibrate with this, but with rather more maybe scientific explanations of, you know, like, our reticular activating system or other things that we might be thinking of. Basically, by the way, for you guys that don't know what this is, basically, it's just that mechanism that helps us focus more on the things that we know actually observed things that we have in more freshness in our minds or in our subconscious minds. But I'll pass the mic back to you, Andrew. So tell us a bit about the book. Tell us a bit about the concept. Maybe like a little introduction before we go into the nitty-gritty. Yeah, for sure.
Andrew Kap
Well, I mean, the title like you know, the last law of attraction book you'll ever need to read. One copywriter must have written that but it's a very important bold promise that I have to make sure to maintain because, you know, Amazon reviews are going to be honest about whether they like you or not. And the whole thing is, you know, I've read so many law of attraction books, and I've seen so many videos and everything again, I've been on this journey myself, and I'm no better than anybody else. Hopefully I'm just a little bit better at articulating things. But every law of attraction book worth its salt is going to have an explanation of the law of attraction that's going to make it clear to people Every law of attraction book worth its salt will hopefully have, you know, methods or techniques that people can use. where I want to go in my book is explained, why do people read a book and then put it down? And then rather than using it and implementing it, they just go on to another book? Why do they procrastinate? Why do they hesitate? Why don't they get the results that they want from it? So what I want to do is use the book as in addition to explaining the law of attraction, in addition, to really use a friendly, easy, fun methods, I want to hold a mirror up to people to explain their psychological process that they're going through, so that they can catch themselves in the act and make a real choice to finally instead, do something fun for just five minutes a day and actually get a result rather than having to go on to another book, or another $1,000 program, or another YouTube channel or another, anything else that's wasting their precious time.
Andrei Tiu
Okay, so if we were to put this into a more like a little practical exercise, or practical, actionable discussion, really around the book and the concepts that you promote, what can people look at or into, or do now in maybe the holiday season and see if they have a bit of time off to reflect and maybe to plan for next year? What would you say would be some core starting points for them that they can start to implement whether they believe or not into the law of attraction, so that they can stand more chances of building a nicer year for themselves, no matter, you know, like this comes from within. So either they can attract more things towards them the right things that they want, and to spot the opportunities better, or just, you know, live more fully and content and fulfilled.
Andrew Kap
So the key thing here is, I'm a strategy guy, we have to be strategic in terms of understanding human nature. The real magic and power of this, whether it's the law of attraction, or anything else, and entrepreneurs understand, it's all about consistency. What can you do consistently, every single day, and for me, if it's something is an uphill battle, if it's something you don't enjoy, you're not going to be consistent. So to start with the whole key about like these methods, methods of, you know, gratitude, for example, it's got to be something that you actually enjoy, that you even look forward to, and it doesn't take a lot of time from your day, it's got to be something that it becomes a choice rather than a chore, it becomes something that you get to do not something that you have to do. So just to kind of say that in the beginning, whatever people are going to do to take themselves into the new year, because these new year's resolutions that people often stop for a number of reasons, but one, because the things that they want to do are actually fun. It's all about finding ways of enjoying yourself and building positive habits. So for example, whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, I'm telling you, gratitude will invite so much into your world law of attraction that people understand it's going to reprogram the universe literally to give you more things to be grateful for. And people that don't believe in the law of attraction, understand that you're programming your subconscious mind, which doesn't go on autopilot as a supercomputer. And really help you move things into your life without you even realizing you're doing it, you're going to get that job promotion, and we're talking entrepreneurs. But just as an example, you get that job promotion, because your subconscious mind is making a more attractive cadence to your voice, you're going to be standing more assertively, you're going to come up with more ideas, you're going to impress the boss all because you've programmed your subconscious mind to do this without realizing it. Now, with that said, if I may, Andre, let me teach one of my favourite methods from the book. And people can actually experiment and try this and see how it feels for them. And I call this the time-lapse method. And it's pretty simple to do a gratitude exercise where you're basically going to write down 15, things that you're grateful for. Five of them are from your past, five of them are from your present, and five are things that you want in your future. And the key about this is they are all going to be written out in the present tense. Again, we're programming our subconscious mind or the universe, we're both here, we're writing this out in the present tense, we're going to write all 15 down, and then we're going to jumble up the list. It may be the first things present, and then a future and then the past and who knows what. Now, the really cool thing is you're going to read through each item on this list, and just give yourself maybe 20 to 60 seconds to feel gratitude for this thing. And the awesome thing about this technique and about this process is that two-thirds of that list is real. It's something that's already happened for you or is happening, meaning there is a confidence and a certainty and a power in your gratitude and appreciation that you feel that you just can't manipulate or replicate. It's there. But because again, psychologically we as humans don't downshift when you read those five future things and the present tense, that certainty and confidence and enthusiasm also carries over into your feeling for that they are by inviting it so even if you don't believe in the universe, or don't believe this is gonna work even though try this and you'll be pleasantly surprised. There's something to take five minutes out of your day away from all the stress away from all the marketing concerns away from all the work And all the things that you've got to do, and taking five minutes yourself to do this and just feel good and feel ease in the moment, because studies will show you that gratitude, whether or not it energetically brings more to you. It increases confidence. It reduces stress, it reduces anxiety, it improves sleep, there's so many different things about this. But I would suggest that people might want to try that method for free, then have to pay for it right now. See how they feel. And maybe they'll enjoy it so much that they want to do it again tomorrow as well.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. I think this links closely to meditation with which I think is becoming a more popular subject across the board. So is this a way of many citations?
Andrew Kap
I believe so, we define meditation in certain ways, like it has to be you sitting in a silent room with your legs crossed, or whatever. And I think meditation is so much more expansive than that. I mean, meditation is just a focus, whether it's a calm, subdued focus, or it's a heightened, intense focus. It's just a focus in some direction, or even a focus on nothingness, depending on your definition of meditation. But it certainly for me, is a meditation that people can follow through, and hopefully an enjoyable one at that also.
Andrei Tiu
And how important is the mind-body alignment? Like, you know, the vibration that you bring into this exercise? Or would you have any directions or things that can help people be successful with this exercise when it comes to them getting into the right vibration, or aligning their hearts with their minds and things around this area?
Andrew Kap
Right. So there's two answers to this question. The first one is my favourite one. And this is also an answer to the question of like, How do I know if I'm doing these methods, right. So first, there's no wrong way of doing this. Even if you only feel a little good, it means you're not feeling bad, it means you've already got a positive momentum, like any kind of just feeling, anything you can do, whether it's this method or another of thinking about what you have, or what you want, or both, while feeling good. That is a tremendous benefit free for you. But I know again, we're speaking to entrepreneurs, we're speaking to motivated people and they're looking for boosts, I would suggest that there are little hacks that you can do to amplify your feeling and appreciation, for example, as you're feeling gratitude, picture a warm, white light extending from your chest or solar plexus or heart out into the world, who you're thinking, are you thinking yourself, your higher self, the universe, anything in particular God, like? picture that white light, just vibrating and emanating? And that will give like, enhanced enhancement of what you feel, but also saying why don't just say I'm grateful for this awesome a partner, maybe say why one or two, or even three or four things about why are grateful for it, because that will also reinforce and enhance the feeling of gratitude and appreciation that you're having in that moment.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. So we have this exercise. Now. people that say they're planning for you know, that they're making like the resolutions least, and maybe looking at changing there, as you mentioned, changing their jobs, if they are working, you know, in a bigger company, or maybe they are looking at the next thing, their business. So this is a good starting point, exercise and actually attaching emotions to their goals, really. And this can be like a little hack where you even if you don't believe that this is working, at least you get into the mindset where you are sure that some of the things we're working or they are existing at the moment or have happened in the past. So you get your mind in that state where it can't really shift that quickly from something that you know, maybe, you know, it's right, but you don't trust the other things yet. And then you are just, you know, kind of, it's too quick for you to change the vibration of your thoughts. And then you just go through them and then see what happens, right?
Andrew Kap
Yeah. And you can't feel bad and good at the same time. So even if you feel a little good, it means you're not feeling bad, and that carries incredible power. I began to believe energetically but also just you know, just in terms of how you're going about your day, the confidence and enthusiasm with which you approach anything. Whether you're writing a sales letter, you're recording a VSL you're reaching out to potential clients, you're prospecting, like whatever you're doing, there's something to be said about starting off on the right foot and having a better vibrational or emotional tone to what you're doing that's going to carry over into your confidence and choosey as to how you do and then you look back on your day like wow, that this is a good day. This is one way better than the day before this. I'm on board. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. Okay, so now because I'm really curious to hear this from you. Obviously, I researched into the book and in terms of interest in the subjects but I'm curious to see. So you know, some people might have already read the secret or other books related to this. Some of them might already know Bob Proctor and He's laws that go around this idea of paradigm-shifting and the law of attraction. What would be your thoughts on why some of the things related to this were not complete? And why is your vision and your book, the last one that somebody might need?
Andrew Kap
Right. So I think those things are complete, I think people's interpretation, understanding and application of them are incomplete. And I actually know why. And this is what I put in the book, which I think really aids and hopefully making, not the last one they'll ever read. But the last one they'll ever need to read, and then they could decide for themselves. But here, here's the key part. And by the way, this is very applicable to just entrepreneurs and what's going on with them. I define that we have like three minds, we've got the conscious mind, and we've got the subconscious mind. And we've got my explanation and my definition of the ego. The ego is right there in the middle, it's way stronger than the conscious mind, which is why there's fear, uncertainty, doubt and things of that nature. But the subconscious mind is stronger than everything. Meaning if you access that you are home free. Now, here's where it gets interesting. The ego, that part in the middle, that part that's stronger, new consciously, it only has one job in this world. And that's to keep you alive, all cares about is that you're alive right now. Which means your money problems right now, your relationship problems right now, your career, your business, even your health problems right now, because it doesn't think that deeply. All the ego knows right now is you are alive. And the last thing the ego wants to do is risk or change the status quo. Because maybe someone out there listening, you want to be rich and famous, but for all the ego knows is if you become famous, you're going to get stalkers. And that's a threat to your survival. For all the eagle noses, when you get a lot of money, you're going to have a distant family coming out of the woodwork trying to take it from you, another threat to your survival, right? So the ego doesn't know for sure whether that new state is going to up the odds of your survival. But it knows you're alive right now. And it doesn't want to mess with it. And that's why people screw up their new year's resolutions. That's why when they try to do something, and they like they talk themselves out of it, or it feels too hard on day number two, or even day number one, it's because the ego, which loves you, by the way, is only looking out for you in a misguided way. It's just trying to keep you stuck in place because it doesn't know what's going to happen. If you improve. It doesn't realize that when you get that house that you've wanted, you're gonna have an even better rate of survival figured out then when you get there, the long and hard way. But anyway, the long-winded way of saying here's these methods, I talked about this gratitude, or scripting or visualization methods, they bypass the ego and go to the subconscious mind. And it doesn't matter what kind of fear or uncertainty or doubt your ego throws in a way, when your subconscious mind is behind the wheel. He'll just knock everything aside like no, we're doing this we're getting it done come hell or high water. And part of which includes, you know, again, dictating or governing certain activities that you're going to do, you're just going to find yourself like, wow, I'm right. After 30 days of meditating about how awesome I am at calling leads, I'm just doing it automatically. I don't have resistance anymore. You don't have resistance, because you access the subconscious mind and slap the ego around saying, Listen, we're doing this whether you like it or not. That's me like that explanation. Those things are why I think my book is the last one because it explains to people, you no longer have to keep looking for the answer. The answer is you. And now you have the confidence and enthusiasm and understanding to use these user-friendly methods and just do it. And then since you enjoy the methods, it doesn't feel like an uphill battle to do them. It's only five minutes out of your day, your probability of actually doing it this time just shot sky high for yourself.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. Okay, very insightful. So, I was thinking in terms of your journey now as an author, um, how did you get so successful? Like, what was your journey to becoming a best selling author and staying there for so long? You mentioned a lot about the positive reviews and people actually getting results. But behind the scenes, what was going on? How did everything evolve?
Andrew Kap
Right? So again, it is a big thing where I'm, I'm hoping the book lived up to the promise. And it was hopefully high quality because here's the thing. I'm about to tell you how I got a lot of people to go to it. But if your product or service doesn't make its promise, then you're, you're you know, you're straight out of luck. I'll put it that way. So I did two things when I launched the book. One was organic, and one was pay. So what I did for the pay version is because I put the book on Amazon. I didn't do my advertising on YouTube. I didn't do my advertising on Facebook. I didn't do my advertising on Instagram. I use Amazon's advertising platform actually paid so that when people were on Amazon, and they're looking at the secret, mine would be one of the books that came up like if you like this, you might be interested in this cold but I basically put it in front. I put it in front of not people browsing I put in front of people that were bought that were in a mood to get a book like this, that we’re even on a page where they're going to click the Add to Cart button, I put my book in front of them, which by the way, also people that look at the cover. I hope it looks beautiful to you. It looks beautiful to me, obviously, I'm biased, but the really key part is, I didn't say how this book looks as a poster? How's it look really small on the screen? on Amazon? People read the title, Can people spot it? Because you have to think like, is your title? And is the cover? Are these good enough that people are going to notice to even click to begin with to even read those reviews or read the book description? Anyway, I just went into the organic party when I was talking about the payment part, I used Amazon's platform, because what better place to put it right? Mm-hmm. organically what I did was I went on Facebook groups related to law of attraction. And I just added value. And here's the thing we already know, we know how Facebook groups are, you can't promote yourself, you can't say I've got this book, you can't say check out this link. Or you can use a post. So what I did was I posted huge, huge, huge values on it right. And then if people are interested, they can click on my profile. And then they'll see stuff about the book, then they'll see me posting the five-star reviews and giving more information, whatever. But basically, I gave value in a place where my customers were already at. And then they made the decision of whether they wanted to buy the book. And like oh, Andrew, you had to rewrite all these different posts. Will some I wrote from scratch. But some will just repurpose content from the book because, in my opinion, the book was already good with already great insights, why would I not repurpose that, and give that to people for free? Mm-hmm. So those two things, that's all I really did in the beginning to get some things going. And it was a number one new release that week. And it was number one bestseller by the following month. I don't even know how long it took because I wasn't looking every day, I was so busy just trying to get things going. One day I looked within like three weeks later, and it was number one bestseller in that category. I'm like, cool. I wonder how has this been going on a day or a week? I don't even know. But I just kept doing my thing and kept giving value?
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. So on the paid ads side of things. Can we talk about the budgets that he invested or your return on advertising? Spend metrics like these? Yeah.
Andrew Kap
Wow, I don't even have numbers in front of me. I will say this. I'll give, I'll give free advertising. I used a tool called the KDP Rocket at the time. Now it's a publisher rocket. And it just helped me choose better keywords. Like what keywords that I want to put in my, in my advertising life? I will say my A cos. In the first couple weeks, I was actually losing money. I was paying. I was probably Forgive me, I'm going through numbers in my head to try to give you something that's legit Not, not just made up here. Yeah. I mean, I'd say this, I was probably the A cos which you want as low as possible, definitely beneath 100%. Because 100% means that you're paying more than you're making in terms of sales, not, by the way, not even profits, just sales, because Amazon still takes their piece of the A costs in the first month was probably 107 to 120%. And it was navigating, but I didn't care. I just all I wanted was people reading the book, and hopefully loving it and putting reviews because as the reviews got better. And as more buzz around the book came, I relied less on the Amazon advertising more on word of mouth. So, I had a budget where I can lose money on getting people just to see it. Because I made mistakes, I would bid $4 as an example, just for one click on the secret. And that's ridiculous. You know, it should be bidding 60 cents tops, at least at that point in time. But I was like, let me just get people to look at this thing, right? So I don't know if that answered your question. But I was willing to lose a little money on the hope that the product would speak for itself and would get good reviews and would generate word of mouth because you know, everyone's different. This is a book. So maybe yours is, um, maybe you're a landscaper, but what you want is you want to do such a good job in your company, what you're doing, that the customer will refer you, the customer will sing your praises, the customer will buy your books for their family or their friends or start a book club or something like I never expect someone started a book club. I didn't know, I didn't realize what's gonna happen. I noticed like, wow, all these extra copies are like coming in. Like, reliably, someone started a book club and everyone bought the book and they did their own thing on the side. I'm like, cool. So when you get value, your marketing efforts will kind of snowball, and a lot of good things will happen for you on autopilot that you could not have predicted or manipulated yourself.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. Cool. Yeah, definitely asked to answer the question. So in terms of the paid ads, eventually, they started to I guess you started optimizing better. And then you also, how did you get people to write the reviews? Actually, because I know that this can be a tough one. Like even if you have sales, getting them back to write the review can be a bit tricky. Right?
Andrew Kap
So you said something really important there? And I think this is really important as to how did I get people to do it? And the answer is, I didn't get people to do it. I invited people to do that. And what I mean by that is, again, hopefully, it was a good product. I basically, I invite reviews indirectly. And what I mean by that is, when you're in a, when you get my book, there's free bonuses, when you sign up for the free bonuses, you get emails from me. And obviously, you know, I'll tell about my other products, but I just give the, you know, emails where I'm not selling anything, I'm just giving value on value and value I. And again, this is not an act, it isn't me just trying to seem like I'm giving value. This is my approach. When you are an author and you have a follow-up system that you're giving value on top of the book, it sends the message that you're not just here to make a quick buck and move on in your life, it sends the message that no like, I really want this to be the last book you ever need to read. And the book should be enough, but just in case it's not. I'm gonna keep dumping more and more and more value on you. For me, I hope and believe that alone, a lot of those reviews come from the fact that people see that I'm not a one-trick pony. And I'm not just here to make a quick buck, but I'm actually here for them because I want to see them succeed. Because we all think this sounds so cliche or maybe even, you know pretentious, but the last thing I want to be is a billionaire in a world that's in ruins. Because if you're a billionaire and the world's in ruins, you still can't go to your favourite pizzeria. You still can't go on dates with bars because they're all closed down. You know, you want to lift everyone up around you. So I take this approach of lifting every single reader up around me in any way that I can through my content because that's the real victory. The victory isn't me making a quick buck and then going off to another book and being lost. The victory is in this actually being the last book and I think through my efforts for that it sends a really powerful message that I believe leads the reviews
Andrei Tiu
Very, very good. And I mean, I totally empathize with your answer. And I think it's such a good approach. And I hope more people would have this approach too, to the way that they are thinking about their businesses and about their products. And, yeah, definitely keep up the good work. And thank you, and your approach.
Andrew Kap
So one more thing, Andrei, I'm sorry, I thought of this. Nor is this valuable for them. Sorry to interrupt you. One thing I do, and people on your side of the pond won't notice this, but in the States, because Amazon lets me access it. When someone left again, from the mindset of caring about people and actually wanting people to win from this, when I got reviews, I didn't just like sit there and be all proud of myself and say, cool, actually, I comment and reply to all the reviews. And I didn't believe I didn't realize at the time, I was just being enthusiastic. But someone told me, dude, you realize you're that's a strategy, right? You realize you are inviting more reviews by the fact that people see that you're answering reviews, so they're gonna be more likely to do it. So just an extra piece that came off the top of my head because that's more tactical than philosophical. I didn't realize at the time when I was doing it, but I responded to all the United States reviews. And if Amazon would let me, I would respond to worldwide reviews also, because I think, to have the author care enough to reply to you, set something also. And that might, that might be the difference between someone leaving a quick one sentence or not doing anything at all. So sorry to interrupt you on your thoughts. But that came to mind. I want to share that for your marketing audience.
Andrei Tiu
Very good point. And now looking at you and what you have in store for 2021? What are your plans? What are you? How are you looking to grow your business? grow to grow your YouTube channel?
Andrew Kap
Yeah, so for me, I again, I keep things very simple and very implementable. if that's a word, I'm gonna keep pumping out YouTube content to let the channel grow and basically do a lot of the heavy lifting for me, I'm gonna keep going on as many podcasts as I can, you know, I'm glad doing these but more and more law of attraction ones, again, telling people more about it. And opportunities are finding me where people are asking me to speak at certain summits and things like that. So as those invites keep coming, I'm just gonna keep doing that also. So I'm basically going to keep talking about this. I mean, no one else is going to be an advocate for this book, but mean, so I'm going to be the one that's going to do it. So there's no grand strategy or anything like that. It's just following on the thread, building on the solid foundation, and hopefully serving more people. And that's the mindset that I'm taking with me into the year.
Andrei Tiu
Super. Okay, and now one last point before we go to the wrap-up and the actionable points just to refresh them for everybody that is going to go away and hopefully execute on these actions. But where can people connect with you, if they want to maybe, you know, talk more with you directly, maybe they know about podcasts that you might be interested in joining? Or, really to find out more about books, obviously, we'll have the links in the description of this episode when it comes to, you know, links to the book and to the platforms like your YouTube channel. But what other places are good to connect with you?
Andrew Kap
Yeah, so I keep it pretty simple. Um, it's really the book and the YouTube channel. So I'm not sure how this will forward and out forwards to the US sight here in the US. But the last law of attraction book.com forward to the Amazon, US listing, whether it's paperback or audible or Kindle, but people can just go on their Amazon and type in the last law of attraction book you'll ever need to read. But also my YouTube channel is youtube.com/andrewkap. And of course, that's gotten a bad thing where people can click the email if they wanted to. But for the most part, while I invite people, I'm really trying to give people more access to the content and to me, because it's the content that's really going to serve them and help them. And again, get the Amazon book, check it out if you want. But if you don't want to put out your wallet, the YouTube content is for free. So please check it out. Maybe it'll resonate with you, I try to keep things really versatile with it, you'll see my strange sense of humour on some of the videos and hopefully, more importantly, you'll get a kick out of it and find a reason to use the content for your own advantage.
Andrei Tiu
Super, thanks for that. And now the last thing is to create this sort of wrap action bullet. So we were looking at one's personal branding and how to be more intelligent with your content and positioning one as an authority and then in the nation in the industry. And then looking at this more oriented to the self subject which is applying the law of attraction and concepts of well being and self fulfillments to better the new year. So the personal branding side of things so some of the key things that I think we agreed on we're one of them to make sure you know how you position yourselves and like the value proposition either yours or Your businesses so that you can choose the people that you want to resonate with best. Then focusing on maybe one, two platforms first in order to make sure you master those ones, and you don't go thin over too many of them. So creating content that is fit for these platforms, and then maybe repurposing some of that content. By the way, one thing that I want to ask you is, what do you think about Instagram or Tiktok? Since they are platforms that do promote video.
Andrew Kap
So I haven't intelligently used them very well myself. But my answer is, if you can do it, like if you can put your message in a TikTok video in a way that will get attention, but also get people to find you. Please, by all means, go for it, like any kind of platform that you can use, we'll do it, I just haven't done it very well, myself. And again, my bandwidth, I'd rather just even though Tick Tock might be a huge thing for me, I'd rather just due to YouTube personally, because it resonates with who I am as a person. So there's power behind that.
Andrei Tiu
Mm, super. Okay. And then making sure I think this goes across the two subjects, just be sure to be consistent and to communicate in a genuine way. And to really connect with yourself when you are producing the copy or producing the videos or the content that you put out. And, you know, spread across the channels together with a message. And then going into the sort of future building activities. One thing that would be very important is this exercise. So Andrew, would you like to summarize again, what are the actions that people should take in order to compile the exercise correctly and execute?
Andrew Kap
Sure. Again, it's 15 things that you're grateful for five past five, present five future, write them in the present tense, jumble them up, read them one at a time for then give yourself 20 to 60 seconds or 10 minutes, whatever you want, feeling gratitude for that thing. And, I mean, there's, there's so much to be grateful for just the heart beating in your chest right now has been beating every single second, not only since the moment you've been born, but since the moment before you've been born while you were still in the womb, who would not have gratitude for the heart that's been beating every second for decades, to send blood and nutrients to the rest of their body, which is also serving them. Like it's so easy to be grateful for things if you just think about what you have everyone out there, no matter how hard things are, you have more than you realize. And the more that you focus on that, the more you'll actually have as well.
Andrei Tiu
Mm-hmm. And one other thing that just came to my mind that I think it's so good, from the very beginning of our conversation, I think, for the ones of you that really wanting to do something for a long time, and maybe they just didn't get around doing it, or you have the courage to give themselves permission to, as Andrew was saying, this might be the second next best moment for you to I mean, if you didn't do it so far, this is the next best moment for you to start doing it. And to give yourself permission to write that book, go on that podcast, have that podcast, launch that business, or whatever you want to do, and then just go all-in with confidence. And, you know, let the market decide for you. And to either validate, you probably validate you since this would be something that you're always wanting to do, you're probably good at it. And you just need a strategy to start producing and executing towards it.
Andrew Kap
Yeah, my little piece, one hater not liking you doesn't mean that the market has put a thumbs down on you. So as you get bigger, what you have to expect haters, also, there's going to be some negative feedback no matter what you do. You don't look at one person and make a decision. You look at the market as a whole. And you'd be honest with yourself, don't use one hater, who's just having a bad day behind a keyboard as a reason to quit your dream. Fair.
Andrei Tiu
Super, Andrew, such a big pleasure having you on the show. Thanks so much for the time for the inside for everything really. Wishing you an amazing new year ahead. I know you'll be busy. And I think you're doing a great job. So you're really really keen to see how your journey is gonna unfold. Definitely let's keep in touch for you know, new books that you might be having coming out, or things that we can communicate on for the guys, guys that you that you're attending to if you have any questions or would want us to maybe organize a second episode on some specific things of which we discussed today. Make sure to reach out to us or maybe to Android directly if it's something that you guys can directly work on onto or towards and we'll make that happen. But until next time, Andrew, such a big pleasure again, thank you for being on the show and for being with us and wishing you an amazing year ahead.
Andrew Kap
Thank you so much for having me, Andrei. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and also quick props to your audience. They're obviously listening to a really good show here. They made a good call. Thanks for being such a great facilitator on this information man, I'm It's been my honour and pleasure to be on the show.
Andrei Tiu
As always as mine. Thank you and thank you for everybody that's been tuning in. See you next year.
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